Tracking your progress

  • Updated

Learn how to easily monitor, evaluate, and improve your campaign’s performance with our reporting system. While some reports display information directly on your dashboard, you can download a more detailed report directly from our system.


Here's what this section will cover:


●  Media report

●  Registrations report

●  Sub-affiliate report



Media report


The Media Report displays a wide array of tracking information, serving as an invaluable resource for affiliates.

The data is available in columns and can be arranged in ascending or descending order using the up and down arrows next to each heading.

Here's how to use the Media Report:


  First, go to "Reports"

  Next, select “Media Report”


To create a report, start by choosing your desired time range. You can also:


●  View creative data by choosing different parameters on the “BREAKDOWN BY” option.

●  Choose the stats you’d like to analyze via the “SHOW DETAILS” button.

●  Focus on specific parameters by selecting them on the “FILTER BY” button.

●  The default view is the most popular configuration, showing data like CLICKS, DAY, REGISTRATIONS, FTB, and COMMISSION:


After choosing your desired parameters, click the RUN REPORT button to see the report.



You can also add data fields to the report through the BREAKDOWN BY button. The most popular additions are Tracking Code and Country:

The report will display 15 entries by default. To view more entries, select the “SHOW 15 ENTRIES” button, then choose between 15, 50, 100, or All.

Want to download the report? Simply click the “EXPORT CSV” button. Last but not least, you can quickly find a specific value using the search box.


Registrations report


The Registrations Report lists key details about your customers, including their registration date and first deposit date. Here, you can also find the total commission you’ve earned from each customer and view the AFP parameter.


Here’s how to use the Registrations Report:


  First, go to "Reports"

  Next, select “Registrations Report”

  Choose your desired time range

  View additional data by choosing different parameters such as AFP or Tracking Code through the “SHOW PROPERTIES” button

The report will display 15 entries by default. To view more entries, select the “SHOW 15 ENTRIES” button, then choose between 15, 50, 100, or All.

Want to download the report? Simply click the “EXPORT CSV” button. Last but not least, you can quickly find a specific value using the search box.


The most popular Registrations Report is sorted BY FIRST DEPOSIT DATE and contains AFP and TRACKING CODE parameters.


The TRACKING CODE parameter can contain as many as 500 entries and is typically used to store channel data from partners. AFP is used for any other type of storage and contains an unlimited number of entries. Typically, they are used to store information like click IDs and keyword data.

The leftmost USER ID column contains the IDs of real registrants and can be used to find specific Fiverr users.




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